Sports Performance

Eligibility & Participation

Athlete Eligibility

List of 6 items.

  • General Requirements

    Athletes will be eligible to practice and participate in a sport when the following have been completed:
    • A current OSAA Physical Examination must be on file in the main office.  Physicals must be updated at least every two years.
    • All of the academic eligibility and transfer requirements have been met and approved by the Athletic Director.
    • The Emergency Release Form must be filled out and on file in the Main Office.
    • The Sports Permission and Acknowledgement of Risk of Injury Form is completed and on file in the Main Office.
    • The school withholds the right to withhold participation in any athletics/activities if the athlete/student’s family is not up-to-date on their tuition payments.
    • All equipment from the prior season must be returned prior to practicing in the next season.
    Many forms can be submitted through the Register My Athlete link at the top of this page. If you have questions, please contact Tammy Martinez.
  • Academic Requirements

    The primary emphasis at St. Mary’s is academic excellence. Participation in activities and athletics, although extremely important to the development and experience of many students, should be secondary to performance in the classroom. The following are the minimum academic guidelines and may be set at a higher standard by an individual coach/faculty advisor.

    • In order to remain eligible to compete in athletics, student-athletes must maintain a cumulative 2.0 grade point average, with a full schedule. Failure to maintain a 2.0 or above will result in athletic ineligibility (practices and competitions) until the student raises his/her cumulative GPA to a 2.0 or above.

  • Attendance Requirement

    Participants not in attendance by the beginning of the second period of the day will not be eligible to participate in events that day, including practices. This also applies to the final school day of the week for weekend events. Participants whose group returns to school after 12:00 AM (midnight) on a school night may be excused from the first period the next school day.
  • Transportation Requirements

    St. Mary's provides transportation for school-sanctioned activities/events. St. Mary's may require participants to utilize school-provided transportation to and from school-sanctioned activities/events.
    Students who desire to opt-out of school-provided transportation and use private transportation must have a signed "School Transportation Opt-Out Hold Harmless Agreement" on file with the school. The School strongly encourages all students to use school-provided transportation.
    In order to assist with student accountability, those who use private transportation for school-sanctioned events/activities must coordinate with their activity/team leader. This is to ensure that participants are accounted for and have the latest information regarding the activity/athletic event.
  • Drug & Alcohol Policy

    No participant in St. Mary’s Activities/Athletics will possess or use alcohol, drugs, controlled substances or tobacco at any time. Violations of this expectation will result in a review of the student’s eligibility. Eligibility subsequent to a violation of this drug, alcohol, and tobacco policy will be conditioned upon providing the student an optimal learning experience. Such conditions, in conjunction with the overall school discipline policy, will follow but are not limited to the following guidelines:
    First Offense: The student will be suspended from activity/athletic participation for a minimum of two weeks. The student will also be asked to speak with an outside counselor regarding the violation.
    Second Offense: The student will be dismissed from activity for the remainder of that season, and an assessment will be required prior to his/her participation during the next season. This assessment must be completed immediately following the second offense.
    Third Offense: The student will be declared ineligible to participate in St. Mary’s Athletics & Activities for the remainder of that season plus one calendar year.
    These rules apply to a student’s entire career at St. Mary’s School.
    Any student who requests assistance in dealing with a drug, alcohol or tobacco problem prior to his/her first offense will be eligible to participate in activities/athletics. An individualized policy will be determined for such students by the Principal, the Activity/Athletic Director, the coach, and the parents/guardians.
  • Behavior Requirements

    It is the goal of the St. Mary’s School and the Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA) to promote respectful and appropriate fan behavior at all extracurricular functions.
    We Will:
    • Show respect for all players, cheerleaders, band personnel, coaches, school officials, spectators, and contest officials.
    • Learn, understand, and respect the rules of the game.
    • Appropriately recognize and show appreciation for an outstanding play by either team.
    • Be positive role models through our own actions and discourage those around us whose behavior is unsportsmanlike.
    • Abide by the School’s dress code.
    We Will Not:
    • Use disrespectful or derogatory cheers, chants, songs, signs, or gestures.
    • Use profanity, display anger or any other inappropriate behavior that draws attention away from the contest.
    • Use noisemakers at any contest.
    • Possess, distribute, or be under the influence of any controlled substances (alcohol, drugs, tobacco, etc.) on school grounds.
    Fans displaying inappropriate and unacceptable behavior at any St. Mary’s School activity, may be asked to leave school property. Disruptive fans who have been removed from a contest or other extracurricular activity will face disciplinary consequences from St. Mary’s School and may be in violation of Oregon law.
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Sports Fees

In the MS, participation fees for athletics are $250 per athlete per season. In the HS, participation fees for athletics are $350 per athlete per season.  Please contact the Athletic Director if these fees are a hardship for your family.

Sports fees are non-refundable after the team’s first play date/jamboree.

*Archery operates under a separate fee structure. Please contact Didi Cushing if you have any questions.

High School Roster Limitations

St. Mary's School values participation in the classroom and on the field of play. It is important for students and families to understand that some of our high school sports programs have roster limitations. Therefore, not every student trying out for a team will have a guaranteed spot on the team.

Roster limitations exist due to a variety of factors, such as safety, athlete/program development, facility restrictions, coaching resources, and the number of athletes that can reasonably participate in competitions. 

Please review the lists below to see what teams have roster limitations.

Sports with Roster Limitations

List of 8 items.

  • Bowling

  • Boys Basketball

  • Boys Golf

  • Boys Tennis

  • Girls Golf

  • Girls Tennis

  • Swimming

  • Volleyball

Sports with Open Rosters

List of 8 items.

  • Archery

  • Baseball

  • Boys Soccer

  • Cross Country

  • Football

  • Girls Basketball

  • Girls Soccer

  • Track & Field

Middle School Sports Participation

Middle School sports do not have roster limitations. All students are invited to participate, and the number of teams will be dictated by the number of students who want to participate. 

 St. Mary's offers the following sports in grades 6-8:
  • Football
  • Volleyball
  • Cross Country
  • Boys Basketball
  • Girls Basketball
  • Track & Field
  • Baseball
  • Archery 

*Due to recent changes in the SOMSAC bylaws, 5th graders are not eligible for Middle School sports. However, St. Mary's offers Archery as an option for 5th graders.